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DNV GL Led Consortium Wins Gas Vector Pathway Project

Posted by October 16, 2014

Between now and 2050, the energy systems of the UK and Europe are likely to be transformed with a more focussed drive towards a low carbon future. Although the potential energy landscape is often seen as one of increased electrification, at present, the UK gas networks carry over four times as much energy as electricity networks.

DNV GL, a technical advisor to the global oil and gas industry, has won a major contract to coordinate the Gas Vector Pathways development project commissioned by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI). Project partners, The Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association (SHFCA), University College London (UCL) and the European Gas Research Group (GERG) will provide specialist expertise in hydrogen technologies, systems modelling, and the European outlook, respectively.

The project will address future scenarios in order to define possible infrastructure requirements in the UK. The contract will begin in November and is expected to be complete by July 2015.

Currently, gas networks have the potential to carry a wide range of new gases including hydrogen and bio- synthetic natural gas (SNG). Additionally, the flexibility of gas in its various forms, allows for the development of a wide range of production and delivery pathways, all of which could contribute to the low carbon energy system of the future.

“Clearly, the role of gas in the energy mix can change substantially. The extent of its contribution is less certain,” says Len Eastell, Senior Consultant and Project Manager with DNV GL. “We have assembled a team who are experts in the fields of Bio-SNG, natural gas and hydrogen to explore options at both the system and detail level to work towards delivering the optimum cost-effective pathway.”

The work will initially focus on the production and utilisation aspects of each of the four independent future scenarios, as defined by the ETI, in order to detail the infrastructure requirements:

  1. A bio-SNG scenario
  2. A high hydrogen scenario
  3. A natural gas scenario
  4. A reference case

Each of these scenarios takes a view of the future and the contribution of existing and new gases. By their nature, they also define different end-points with respect to energy production and utilisation. The interplay between production and consumption leads to the basis of the scenarios. These different scenarios also impose differing but significant changes on the energy infrastructure, the transmission and distribution of the gases.

“The project is intended to provide a better understanding of the implications and the challenges that may arise as a result of these major infrastructure transitions,” adds Mr Eastell. “It will also help to determine how affordable the transitions could be. Building on this, and identifying potential solutions to any engineering challenges and implementation costs, will provide further evidence to inform investment in different energy system transitions.”


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