Thursday, September 19, 2024

Biden To Attend Fundraiser With Keystone XL Opponent Steyer

Posted by May 19, 2014


U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will attend a Democratic fundraiser at the home of activist Tom Steyer, the billionaire former hedge fund manager who is spending millions to lobby against the Keystone XL pipeline, a Democratic official said on Monday.

The fundraiser will take place at Steyer's home in San Francisco on May 28, the official said.

Steyer is spending tens of millions of dollars to boost environmentally friendly political candidates across the United States. He fervently opposes the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would bring oil from Alberta to the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Environmentalists oppose the pipeline because of concerns it would contribute to climate change. Proponents say it would create jobs and help boost U.S. energy security.

The Obama administration last month delayed a decision on whether to approve or reject the controversial pipeline to allow more time for the Nebraska Supreme Courtto settle a dispute over what path the $5.4 billion TransCanada Corp project should take.

Biden is a potential presidential candidate in 2016.

(Reporting by Steve Holland and Jeff Mason; Editing by Ken Wills)

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